Sunday, September 21, 2008

how can it be september already...

i can't believe this year has already flown by so fast. it is almost the end of september. it seems like last week when we just put the christmas decorations away.

in june jon and i went to hawaii. enjoyed our trip very much. just the two of us. in july we went to idaho, jackson hole wyoming, and yellowstone park. beautiful.

i've been trying to get healthy this year. recovering from surgery last fall but more than that, getting to be non-anemic and figuring out how i can get back to my normal weight. i've been at my 9-month-pregnant-weight now for about 3 or 4 years! argh!!! recently i have lost some weight...

a lot of changes coming up before the end of the year. leslie and joseph will be getting married december 6th in berkeley. that will be beautiful. looking forward to their happy union, but not so happy about them living in houston for 18 months. joseph is wonderful to leslie. i love that. they are the epitome of sweet.

michael just returned from a 3 month trip to the east coast. he had a great time. so glad he was able to do that. so glad he's home too! now i can't wait to see him.

justin is doing well. that is all i've ever wanted for him. tanya is a blessing. elijah is a blessing.

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